Wednesday, April 20, 2005


I've made it through 2 weeks without any noticeable side effects from radiation. It is a very fast procedure, about 10 minutes every weekday morning before school. I'm looking forward to the end of all of this. Jen and I are planning a trip to Disney World to unwind form this long winter!

Saturday, April 09, 2005

1 week of radiation done!

I have made it through the first of 4 weeks of radiation treatment. In preparation for the treatment, I had another CT scan so the doctors could map out the targets. After receiving the contrast via IV, I immediately felt nauseous; four hours later I finally threw up! I also got 3 pin point tattoos on my chest and sides to help lineup the radiation machine. About a week after the scan we started radiation. It is a pretty quick procedure. I lay down and they position my body within the laser cross hairs. Then the technicians leave the room and a buzzing noise sounds to indicate that the machine is on. I go Monday through Friday before school starts. So far radiation treatment is far less bothersome than chemo. I haven't felt any side effects except for possible a horse throat and cough. This could also just be something that is going around. Dr. Kinsela said that I probably won’t notice any effects until the 2nd or 3rd week. We shall see.