Sunday, February 20, 2005

Nick had his 5th chemo treatment on Friday. His WBC was 1.7 and his ANC was around 420 again. He's been sleeping a lot this weekend. We all had to stay home from church this weekend because Anna is sick. I couldn't leave Anna home with Nick and I couldn't send Nick with Leah while I stayed home with Anna, so we all had to stay home. He threw up for the first time on Friday night, but hasn't since, so hopefully that won't become an issue. His peripheral neuropathy has gotten worse. His fingertips have been numb since the first treatment, but he now has tingling extending down his finger and in his feet. His hands also fall asleep at night, and then wake him up, so he hasn't been sleeping too well. Dr. Koc gave him a prescription for this, Elavil. This is a particular concern for Nick because he is in dental school. So far, it hasn't bothered him while working and we'd like to keep it that way! We talked about treatment options with Dr. Koc again. He said that he felt "good" about doing 3 cycles of chemo plus radiation. That would mean only one more chemo treatment. He said he felt "OK" about doing 4 cycles of chemo with no radiation. We still don't know what treatment Nick will end up with. Apparently people are reading this journal. Dr. Koc said he heard about Nick's PET scan from one of his patients who'd been reading this website!


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