Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Treatment #4 and midway PET scan done

Nick had his 4th treatment on Friday. His white counts and ANC were the best they've been since he started treatment-2.8 and around 720. The treatment went fine. He doesn't have a port, so he's getting his chemo through an IV in his arm, alternating arms each time. He's had some pain in his left arm, which had had 2 treatments already, so they slowed down the dacarbizine drip, from 1 hour to 1.5 hours. Hopefully that will prevent any serious vein pain. Side effects have been the same as before-generalized yucky feeling and some nausea the first couple of days. He should start improving pretty soon. His midway PET was yesterday and that went fine. About 8 or 9 friends from school and church shaved their heads in support of Nick. We need to get a picture and put it in here. Nick was really touched. His hair is really falling out now. I didn't realize how thin it had gotten until I saw the other guys that shaved their heads. Even though their hair was the same length as Nick's, it looks so much darker because it is so much thicker. From a distance, Nick looks like a blond with very short hair-but he's NOT a blond. He just doesn't have any hair!


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